
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Still sick.....

I thought I was the only one to get the vomiting portion of the recent Sick but Super Kid came down with it Sunday night.  He was doing better all day Monday and coping fine with things like chicken soup and applesauce so he tried some "real" food at dinner Monday.  That did not end well so he is home again Tuesday and we are trying again :p

Monday afternoon was OT for Miss Iz.  She's had a flareup lately with emotional regulation so they worked on practicing  her self soothing strategies and she did really well.  She's been going through her "list" of things that help with me at home, too, because practicing when she's calm helps her remember what to do when she starts to feel panicky.

And it was our last Monday OT appointment!  A time slot with Iz's OT opened up on Tuesday when we are there for the Busy Little B so we have moved over.  One less trip to the rehab center every week plus only ONE kid to occupy in the waiting room on Tuesday instead of two every Monday and Tuesday.  Makes things easier for me and I'm all for that ;)

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