
Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Super Kid was finally feeling better yesterday.  He was home from school again because he hadn't hit the 24 hour mark but by late afternoon he was good to go so he went to OT at the rehab center.  He likes OT, likes the different therapists he works with but that anxiety gets to him so he's sometimes hesitant to try things in front of other people and is pretty stoic while there.  His temporary OT Miss S (the same Miss S that first worked with Iz) was teasing him last night that she almost saw him smile when they got him to try out the trapeze swing and he couldn't stop himself from grinning back at her :p  Now that he's tried out some of the swings and liked them, hopefully he'll be open to doing them again because its a great way to get that big motor movement he craves when he's sensory seeking.  I'd love to have a basement or something to set up swings and crash pads or something for my seekers!

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