
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cardiology Checkup

Today was Izzy's one week from discharge cardiology appointment (tomorrow will be two weeks out from surgery). She is healing great :) Dr E was very pleased with her EKG and her echo and says her incision is healing nicely. He said to finish out her blood pressure meds and lasix and when these bottles are gone, go ahead and take her off them. If she shows any signs of heart distress, bring her in and they'll check her over to see if she needs the meds for a bit longer but he's pretty confident that once the next few weeks of meds are over, she will be okay without them. Best of all, she has been cleared to wait three months before her next appointment :D YAY!


  1. That's so great that she's healing so well! Yay for a good appointment :)

    1. We have become so used to things being a little worse every time that we kept waiting for the "but" after the good report LOL

  2. That is fantastic news! yea!!!!

    1. We felt a little confused at first because we just aren't used to a completely good report, there has always been a BUT before LOL
